Our company culture is based on three wordsIntegrity, Performance, and Experience.
IntegritySimply, stand up for our beliefs regardless of the consequences. Having honesty even when it’s painful. Treating people decent even when it may not be convenient. We are a company that has interests other than just financial gain.
PerformanceWe believe that it’s all about execution. Not just execution in what we say and deliver, but also execution in how we deliver the solution. We believe performance is doing what we’ve promised, and then some.
ExperienceFor over 20 years Mulligan Constructors has provided construction services throughout the state of Florida. With a combined 50 plus years in the industry, owners Jason and Richard Mulligan utilize their knowledge and expertise to provide a unique and improved construction experience for their clientele. Because of their integrity, experience, and performance to get the job done at a high level, Mulligan Constructors has been able to grow every year through adherence to these core values.
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